The funders

For the year 2023, we have kindly received support from these foundations (for earmarked funding we have noted the budget available for the year, not the funding received for the project in its entirety):
Adessium Foundation75.000
Adessium Foundation75.000
Augstein Stiftung20.000
Dortmund University (EC re-granting)24.586
EC Creative Europe363.927
Erste Stiftung10.000
European Climate Foundation113.287
Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le progrès de l'homme20.000
Fondation Nicolas Puëch50.000
Fred Foundation40.000
Fritt Ord12.872
Gothenburg University (European Commission re-granting)15.954
IJ4EU / IPI68.177
Journalism Funders Forum39.742
Laudes Foundation249.586
Limelight Foundation194.750
Logan Foundation27.866
OAK Foundation25.000
Open Society Foundation67.169
Schöpflin Stiftung85.000
Stichting Benevolentia50.000
Stichting Democratie en Media20.000
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Stars4Media44.000
For the year 2022 we have kindly received support from these foundations (for earmarked funding we have noted the budget available for the year, not the funding received for the project in its entirety:):
Adessium Foundation25.000
Augstein Stiftung20.000
Bertha Foundation62 268
European Climate Foundation30 179
Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le progrès de l'homme20.000
Gothenburg University (European Commission re-granting)13.295
IJ4EU / IPI25 650
Limelight Foundation28.700
OAK Foundation25.000
Open Society Foundation23.000
Schöpflin Stiftung75.000
Stichting Democratie en Media20.000
Töpfer Stiftung5.000
For the year 2021, we have kindly received support from these foundations (for earmarked funding we have noted the budget available for the year, not the funding received for the project in its entirety):
Adessium Foundation25.000
Augstein Stiftung20.000
European Climate Foundation39 968
Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le progrès de l'homme20.000
Fritt Ord5.700
IJ4EU / IPI (European Commission re-granting)37.900
Stichting Democratie en Media20.000
Töpfer Stiftung5.000
For the year 2020 we have kindly received support from these foundations:
Adessium Foundation25.000
Augstein Stiftung20.000
Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le progrès de l'homme20.000
Fritt Ord5.400
Reva and David Logan Foundation32.000
Stichting Democratie en Media20.000
Zeit Stiftung10.000
For the year 2019 we have kindly received support from these foundations:
Adessium Foundation25.000
OSF Independent Journalism Program22.170
Schöpflin Stiftung5.000
Rudolph Augstein Stiftung8.000
Fondation Charles Léopold Meyer pour le Progrès de l'homme40.000
Fritt Ord3.116
Fondation Nicolas Puech45.000