Apply for climate data and OSINT mentorships

Adriana Homolova
Jonathan Stoneman

Are you interested in investigating stories related to the climate crisis, energy  transition or environmental wrong-doing and you need some help in making sense of the datasets you’ve come across? Have you wondered how the open-source tools can help you investigate environmental stories? Consider applying for the autumn edition of our one-on-one data and OSINT mentorships!

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User’s map for the Climate Network

We keep adding new features to our Arena Climate Network forum. We’ve recently added a “Users map” feature, which allows you to filter users by their location. We hope it will be useful for people looking for sources and colleagues in other countries. If you are a journalist or a researcher covering/working on climate, join … Read more

New resources on the way in The Arena Climate Network

Following Dataharvest Digital 2020, during which we dedicated two weeks to topics related to climate and energy, we launched the Arena Climate Network  – a community of investigative journalists and researchers covering climate change. The Arena Climate Network aims to facilitate information flows between journalists (interested in) covering climate at the local, national and EU level, … Read more