We have decided to postpone Dataharvest – the European Investigative Journalism Conference because of the restrictions on travelling and gathering introduced by European health authorities. We fully support the purpose of these measures: to slow down the spread of the coronavirus.
Dataharvest and the coronavirus
The flagship activity of Arena for Journalism in Europe is arranging Dataharvest – the European Investigative Journalism Conference.
Today, it is two months and two days until the conference is set to open. Right now, more and more countries in Europe are introducing measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus.
Join the Arena Housing Mailing List!
- Arena for Journalism in Europe launches a mailing list to start building the Arena Housing Project
- The Arena Housing Project will be an open networking infrastructure to connect journalists working on housing across Europe
- The Arena Housing Project will also serve as a template for other open cross-border and collaborative research and reporting networks
Arena and Hostwriter Cooperate to Organize 2019 EIJC & Dataharvest
Arena for Journalism in Europe and Hostwriter are happy to announce they will cooperate to organize this year’s European Investigative Journalism Conference & Dataharvest 2019 (EIJC19). The EIJC (European Investigative Journalism Conference) & Dataharvest is the place to network and learn for investigative and data journalists in Europe. EIJC19 & Dataharvest will take place on 17-19 May 2019 in Mechelen, Belgium, with pre-conference masterclasses and a Hack Day on 16 May.
Welcome to Arena for Journalism in Europe
The news: In January 2019 Arena for Journalism in Europe was founded as a ‘Stichting’ under Dutch law. It’s main activity will be to continue the EIJC & Dataharvest Conference, which has left the protective wings of Journalismfund.eu and is now organized by Arena.
The background: The EIJC & Dataharvest Conference is the European Conference for Data and Investigative Journalism. It has
The Power of Publication
Rethinking the European infrastructure for journalism in a networked society – or why we set up an open Arena for Journalism in Europe
When journalists publish the same story simultaneously in three, ten or forty countries, public attention is secured; they make a big splash. It is the power of publication. Notably the power of publication adapted to the era of networked societies.