Kickstart your crossborder journalism

Apply to join the European Collaborative Journalism Programme (ECJP)

The Toepfer Foundation and Arena for Journalism in Europe have joined forces to support collaborative journalism among journalists from all over Europe and call for applications to participate in the European Collaborative Journalism Programme.

Digital transformation is putting the media system under pressure. This affects the quality and diversity of the media but also hampers more resource-demanding investigative journalism and in-depth research. At the same time, cross-border stories have become more prevalent such as in the fields of migration, organized crime, pollution or consumer protection. Collaborative journalism provides the means to maintain investigations despite declining resources. It allows to pool resources and expertise, to analyse facts and data jointly and to also publish in several media at the same time.

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Free training on climate and environment data and OSINT

(Photo: Mika Baumeister)

Call for applications: ‘Learning by doing’ training followed by an investigation into climate

Are you interested in topics such as climate change, energy supply or environmental wrongdoing? Have you already done some investigative work, but would like to upgrade your investigative and/or data skills? If the answer to both questions is ‘yes’, the training offered by Arena for Journalism in Europe, supported by the European Climate Foundation, might just be for you.

Over the course of six weeks, the participants will gain hands-on knowledge in how to set up and organise a cross-border investigation and research, where to look for data and how to work with it, gain OSINT skills (applied to environmental reporting) as will be able to attend topical sessions relevant to the climate issues we’ll explore.

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Apply for climate data and OSINT mentorships

Adriana Homolova

Jonathan Stoneman

Are you interested in investigating stories related to the climate crisis, energy  transition or environmental wrong-doing and you need some help in making sense of the datasets you’ve come across? Have you wondered how the open-source tools can help you investigate environmental stories? Consider applying for the autumn edition of our one-on-one data and OSINT mentorships!

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Cities for Rent: Investigating Corporate Landlords Across Europe

Everyone needs a home, and even more during a pandemic.

High demand for rental flats across European cities has contributed to make housing a very attractive investment. At at time when many people can’t find an affordable and decent flat to live, reports of a huge increase in investment flows into housing across Europe go hand in hand with stories of abusive practices by ‘corporate landlords’, companies that buy and rent out housing for profit.

Where is all that money coming from? Who are the companies and investors buying so much housing across Europe? How does this phenomenon affect people’s lives and homes in European cities?

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Join the new European network for journalistic non-profits

A new generation of news organisations is rising all across Europe – one that is strongly committed to serve its audience through public interest journalism and is eagerly trying to build up new, sustainable business models for our profession. In a joint effort Netzwerk Recherche and Arena for Journalism in Europe together with partners from academia (HBI, ZeMKI) and philanthropy (Schöpflin Stiftung) will – for the first time – bring together this emerging scene of journalistic entrepreneurs that we call The New Sector.

We identified close to a hundred news outlets all over Europe that are part of this journalistic evolution. We will soon create an online map and a searchable database of Europe’s vivid scene of journopreneurs in which we want to display the agility, versatility and creativity found among its members.

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The Climate Networks reaches out at BETD

On Thursday, March 18 (10.30-11.30 CET), Arena for Journalism in Europe will be at Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue (BETD) Media Fellows – Connecting Journalists Conference to present the Arena Climate Network. Our network coordinator, Jelena Prtorić, will discuss the benefits and importance of networking, will introduce different elements and features of the Arena Climate Network … Read more

User’s map for the Climate Network

We keep adding new features to our Arena Climate Network forum. We’ve recently added a “Users map” feature, which allows you to filter users by their location. We hope it will be useful for people looking for sources and colleagues in other countries. If you are a journalist or a researcher covering/working on climate, join … Read more

New resources on the way in The Arena Climate Network

Following Dataharvest Digital 2020, during which we dedicated two weeks to topics related to climate and energy, we launched the Arena Climate Network  – a community of investigative journalists and researchers covering climate change. The Arena Climate Network aims to facilitate information flows between journalists (interested in) covering climate at the local, national and EU level, … Read more