Arena Networks

We create and coordinate networks to promote and facilitate cross-border collaborative journalism.

Our strategy is to focus on topics of particular relevance and to take advantage of the Dataharvest conference to bring together potential network members – investigative journalists, data experts, other researchers – around a specialised track about the topic selected by the editorial team each year.

When possible, we join forces with existing organisations with the aim of spinning off the resulting functioning network.

Climate Arena Network
The Arena Climate Network is an open-access network by and for journalists. It is for those who want to focus on all aspects of the climate crisis and who want to do in-depth, investigative work. Our network serves a community devoted to exposing financial greed, corruption, and government malaise that fuel the climate crisis.
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Reference - the European Independent Media Circle
Reference is a self-organised network of independent European news publishers. The network supports members to address non-editorial organisational and business challenges, and advocate collectively for the wellbeing and financial sustainability of independent, public interest media in Europe.
It is currently being incubated by Arena.
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Arena Food&Water network
Launched in 2022, this network puts issues concerning food and water on the European agenda while at the same time establishing the connection with citizens on a local level.
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Arena Labour Network
This is our newest network, just emerging. The Labour Network focuses on cross-border investigations into European labour issues. As the network is currently unfunded, members carry out all activities on a self-organised basis.
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The Arena Housing Project
The Arena Housing Project was an open collaborative network for journalists and researchers working on housing across Europe.
It has now developed into the Urban Journalism Network.
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The Algorithm Network
Launched in 2018, this network is now being coordinated by AlgorithmWatch